Blake Sea Balloons Cup 2011
This event will take place on Sunday September 4th 2011 at 11AM SL time.
2011年8月23日(火) 報告、バルーンカップ2011が9月4日(日)に開催されます^^

2011年9月4日(日) 11AM SLTより(日本時間の 5日 3時AM)、メインランドのBlake seaを使って2時間の熱気球レースが行われます^^
主催はセカンドライフの航空機メーカーや空港所有者の団体 SL Aviationと、女子パイロットチームSL99ですが(あたしは両方に所属)、参加はグループに関係なく受け付けます^^
所定の応募用紙(本ブログの終わりのほう参照)を、8月31日の13:00SLTなので、日本時間の9月1日 朝5時までに、
josh Noonan さんと、 Judy Dressler さんの二人に送付してください^^
Blake Sea Balloons Cup 2011 Presentation and rules
This event will take place on Sunday September 4th 2011 at 11AM SL time.
This to make sure Europeans ( 8PM CET ) can join or watch the cup also.
For about two hours a balloon competition will take place in the Blake sea bringing together various groups of SL balloonists.
Entry to Cup is open to all groups ( aviation and sailing ) with a limit of maximum 16 balloons to avoid cluttering airports and airspace.
We want this event to be not only a Balloon Premiere but a bring together of sailors and pilots. Including pirats! :-)
Registrations will be done on a first in, first on.
The following ★★★
must be sent out to Josh Noonan and Judy Dressler before 1PM SLT August 31st latest deadline for registrations. No entry will be accepted after this date.
There is no slot allocation per group!
Balloonists can take passengers if they wish. But only pilot will be rewarded.
Balloon must be of type hot air balloon, such as Cubey Terra's "Terra-Kojima Cirrus balloon" or similar. No engine helped balloon will be accepted.
Participants are free to display their group, or SL company logo, and texture their enveloppe to best fit for such a competition as there will be points for envelope graphics also ( 1 to 10).
A circuit has been defined as well as mandatory waypoints to be passed over.
Map of clock wise circuit is on this map:

where path is indicated by red arrows and precision landing points by a red dot.
Each respected waypoint will be rewarded by 5 points.
Departure Santa Catalina ( East taxiway, so that departing balloons do not cross the approach and landing of planes.)
Those mandatory waypoints are:
1) Blake Diego ( pass over pontoons )
2 ) Blake Tortuga ( pass between the two most eastern islands )
3 ) Union Passage ( pass above small lighthouse of the White family :-)
4 ) Blake Coast ( pass left of big white house ... )
5 ) Honah Lee Surf ( precision land on helipad and take off to 100M after )
6 ) Blake Sea - Sirens Isle
7 ) Blake Sea - Kraken
8 ) Blake Sea - Windlass
9) Blake Sea - Half Hitch ( precision land on pontoons )
10) Blake Sea - Spyglass
11) Pslande ( ! pass from North to South on sailing race line )
12 ) Blake Sea - Crows Nest ( pass right of lighthouse and precision land on helipad )
13) Nantucket Yacht Club ( go inside harbour and follow back channel )
14) Come out of Yacht Club area via Madaket
15) Blake Sea - Pacific ( ! pass sailing race line from West to East )
Arrival Santa Catalina ( East taxiway arriving from North West. Again to avoid disturbing normal path of planes. )
Above the following pirates sims:
Blake Diego, Blake Roatan, Blake Zatzai, Blake Tortuga, Union Passage, Blake Bay, Blake Coast, Blake Sea Arabian,
We ask all participants to stay above 100m not to hinder any pirates combats taking place in those sims. Even if they usually take place in Cannonade and Thunderer.
Details on the 3 precision landings:
Incoming balloons have to wait the one in front of them has made its landing and take-off. Judges will be on the spot. Pushing another balloon out of the path anywhere will cost -5 points.
Helipads (Honah Lee Surf - Crows Nest ):
On H 10 points
In Circle, not on H, 5 points
On Circle line 2 point
Outside circle no points
On a judge: -2 points
Pontoons ( Half Hitch ):
On pontoon : 10 points
In water: No points
On a judge: -2 points
AVOIDING a precision landing point to gain time or pass a competitor will be sanctioned by -10 points for non sportivity.
Judges will be posted at all mandatory waypoints, race lines, and precision landing points.
The Blake Sea Balloons Cup will not just be a speed race, but also a navigation and precision landing competition. Points will be given (max 10) for best balloons enveloppes. Sum of points will reward the best SL balloonists on more criteria than speed alone.
Prizes will be given to a top 5 by addition of points for :
Respect of circuit and waypoints: Max 75 points
Precision landings: Max 30 points
Balloon enveloppe: Max 10 points
Potential Total: 115 Points.
Life Jackets are not mandatory but highly recommended to wait for SLCG rescue helicopters in case of crash at sea....
Gentlemen. Start your burners ! Get those forms in !
We hope to see a great first SL Ballloon Cup!
The SL Blake Sea Balloons Cup 2011 organisation team,
Josh Noonan - The Golden Tigers Group/The Flying Tigers Group
Judy Dressler - The SL Ninety Nines Group
And it's nice supporters team:
Chad Sawson,
Blue Manbi,
MarkTwain White,
Tig Spijkers and the SLCG crews.
以下をノートカードに記して、必ず 実行委員の josh Noonan さんと、 Judy Dressler さんの二人に送付してください^^
応募の締め切りは、8月31日の13:00SLTなので、日本時間の9月1日 朝5時までに送ってください^^
Blake Sea Balloons Cup 2011 - September 4th 2011 / 11AM SLT
Competitor Entry Form.
To be returned before August 31st 1PM SLT to:
Josh Noonan
Judy Dressler
Avatar Full Name:
Group represented ( if the case ) :
Hot Air Balloon Type:
I have read and agreed with Cup Rules: YES/NO
Reminder: No engines! Only Hot Air Ballons are eligible for entry.
Max 16 entries!
You can take passengers at your own risk ( lag or not ).
Blake Sea Balloons Cup 2011
This event will take place on Sunday September 4th 2011 at 11AM SL time.
2011年8月23日(火) 報告、バルーンカップ2011が9月4日(日)に開催されます^^

2011年9月4日(日) 11AM SLTより(日本時間の 5日 3時AM)、メインランドのBlake seaを使って2時間の熱気球レースが行われます^^
主催はセカンドライフの航空機メーカーや空港所有者の団体 SL Aviationと、女子パイロットチームSL99ですが(あたしは両方に所属)、参加はグループに関係なく受け付けます^^
所定の応募用紙(本ブログの終わりのほう参照)を、8月31日の13:00SLTなので、日本時間の9月1日 朝5時までに、
josh Noonan さんと、 Judy Dressler さんの二人に送付してください^^
Blake Sea Balloons Cup 2011 Presentation and rules
This event will take place on Sunday September 4th 2011 at 11AM SL time.
This to make sure Europeans ( 8PM CET ) can join or watch the cup also.
For about two hours a balloon competition will take place in the Blake sea bringing together various groups of SL balloonists.
Entry to Cup is open to all groups ( aviation and sailing ) with a limit of maximum 16 balloons to avoid cluttering airports and airspace.
We want this event to be not only a Balloon Premiere but a bring together of sailors and pilots. Including pirats! :-)
Registrations will be done on a first in, first on.
The following ★★★
must be sent out to Josh Noonan and Judy Dressler before 1PM SLT August 31st latest deadline for registrations. No entry will be accepted after this date.
There is no slot allocation per group!
Balloonists can take passengers if they wish. But only pilot will be rewarded.
Balloon must be of type hot air balloon, such as Cubey Terra's "Terra-Kojima Cirrus balloon" or similar. No engine helped balloon will be accepted.
Participants are free to display their group, or SL company logo, and texture their enveloppe to best fit for such a competition as there will be points for envelope graphics also ( 1 to 10).
A circuit has been defined as well as mandatory waypoints to be passed over.
Map of clock wise circuit is on this map:

where path is indicated by red arrows and precision landing points by a red dot.
Each respected waypoint will be rewarded by 5 points.
Departure Santa Catalina ( East taxiway, so that departing balloons do not cross the approach and landing of planes.)
Those mandatory waypoints are:
1) Blake Diego ( pass over pontoons )
2 ) Blake Tortuga ( pass between the two most eastern islands )
3 ) Union Passage ( pass above small lighthouse of the White family :-)
4 ) Blake Coast ( pass left of big white house ... )
5 ) Honah Lee Surf ( precision land on helipad and take off to 100M after )
6 ) Blake Sea - Sirens Isle
7 ) Blake Sea - Kraken
8 ) Blake Sea - Windlass
9) Blake Sea - Half Hitch ( precision land on pontoons )
10) Blake Sea - Spyglass
11) Pslande ( ! pass from North to South on sailing race line )
12 ) Blake Sea - Crows Nest ( pass right of lighthouse and precision land on helipad )
13) Nantucket Yacht Club ( go inside harbour and follow back channel )
14) Come out of Yacht Club area via Madaket
15) Blake Sea - Pacific ( ! pass sailing race line from West to East )
Arrival Santa Catalina ( East taxiway arriving from North West. Again to avoid disturbing normal path of planes. )
Above the following pirates sims:
Blake Diego, Blake Roatan, Blake Zatzai, Blake Tortuga, Union Passage, Blake Bay, Blake Coast, Blake Sea Arabian,
We ask all participants to stay above 100m not to hinder any pirates combats taking place in those sims. Even if they usually take place in Cannonade and Thunderer.
Details on the 3 precision landings:
Incoming balloons have to wait the one in front of them has made its landing and take-off. Judges will be on the spot. Pushing another balloon out of the path anywhere will cost -5 points.
Helipads (Honah Lee Surf - Crows Nest ):
On H 10 points
In Circle, not on H, 5 points
On Circle line 2 point
Outside circle no points
On a judge: -2 points
Pontoons ( Half Hitch ):
On pontoon : 10 points
In water: No points
On a judge: -2 points
AVOIDING a precision landing point to gain time or pass a competitor will be sanctioned by -10 points for non sportivity.
Judges will be posted at all mandatory waypoints, race lines, and precision landing points.
The Blake Sea Balloons Cup will not just be a speed race, but also a navigation and precision landing competition. Points will be given (max 10) for best balloons enveloppes. Sum of points will reward the best SL balloonists on more criteria than speed alone.
Prizes will be given to a top 5 by addition of points for :
Respect of circuit and waypoints: Max 75 points
Precision landings: Max 30 points
Balloon enveloppe: Max 10 points
Potential Total: 115 Points.
Life Jackets are not mandatory but highly recommended to wait for SLCG rescue helicopters in case of crash at sea....
Gentlemen. Start your burners ! Get those forms in !
We hope to see a great first SL Ballloon Cup!
The SL Blake Sea Balloons Cup 2011 organisation team,
Josh Noonan - The Golden Tigers Group/The Flying Tigers Group
Judy Dressler - The SL Ninety Nines Group
And it's nice supporters team:
Chad Sawson,
Blue Manbi,
MarkTwain White,
Tig Spijkers and the SLCG crews.
以下をノートカードに記して、必ず 実行委員の josh Noonan さんと、 Judy Dressler さんの二人に送付してください^^
応募の締め切りは、8月31日の13:00SLTなので、日本時間の9月1日 朝5時までに送ってください^^
Blake Sea Balloons Cup 2011 - September 4th 2011 / 11AM SLT
Competitor Entry Form.
To be returned before August 31st 1PM SLT to:
Josh Noonan
Judy Dressler
Avatar Full Name:
Group represented ( if the case ) :
Hot Air Balloon Type:
I have read and agreed with Cup Rules: YES/NO
Reminder: No engines! Only Hot Air Ballons are eligible for entry.
Max 16 entries!
You can take passengers at your own risk ( lag or not ).
セカフェス第三回 タライ海戦ありました^^
Tomgirl Live 11月18日(水) 22:00~
RiZ Live、素敵なハロウィンライブでした^^
セカフェス第三回 タライ海戦ありました^^
Tomgirl Live 11月18日(水) 22:00~
RiZ Live、素敵なハロウィンライブでした^^
Posted by pyo Igaly at 21:28│Comments(0)